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Broken Glasses Everywhere:

I can’t even remember the last time I put on some Full Crate music. Must admit that it’s been a while since Crate caught my attention, but with his long awaited “Golden Glasses” EP he seems to have strung a cord. On the EP we hear a few electronic influences (reminding a little of HudMo), that give this debut Wonderful Ear release a very up to date sound. Now I remember when Crate got these glasses a while ago and he loved them to death. But over the years they began to decay and bits & pieces started to chip. I guess with this release he’s saving up for some very expensive bifocals. So with that in mind, please make sure you pre-order the vinyl 10″ at Rush Hour or go digital over at Golden Glasses - EP - Full Crate.

Full Crate – Cherrie Hats Ft. Chris Turner [112kbps]


Full Crate – Fluffy Dragons [112kbps]
