Woodwire from Lyon, Paris is about to release a brand new project called “Oddyssea” on Cosmonostro.
The journey might be described best as a mix between traveling and odd things. After his previous more trip-hop oriented project, some cinematic ideas developed in the process. These ideas where concretized with the first song “Ignite” and resulted from a single night of work after Woodwire returned from hours of listening to vinyl at a friend house.
The song “L’Etage” was created during the weekend behind a desk from a more producer perspective, compared to the four others songs. The 24-year-old fellow Lyonnaise producer Oxidia did a very nice rework of this song adding a little umph to the original. When we were asked if we wanted to premiere this bonus track, it only took us a few seconds to say yes.
If you like you can pre-order Oddyssea on the Cosmonostro Bandcamp page.