Meet Boyan, a 23-year-old producer from Sofia, who’s been making quite some noise lately. The Bulgarian beatmaker grew up playing the piano and singing in a choir. In 2009 he went on to obtain a degree in sound engineering and composing music. Fresh from school he started out doing Progressive House and Electro, but a few years ago Hip Hop music came into his life. It changed the way he listened to music and opened up the way for his (in Bulgaria) forward thinking R&B/Hip Hop inspired style.
His first release came out in May on Future Beats Records and featured Atlanta-based vocalist J-Rican. Since then we’ve heard a few serious instrumentals on Boyan’s Soundcloud page and when he told us he had something new coming up we were interested in premiering it.
The idea for the track “Monday Morning” came up on a sunny Monday morning, so it seems fitting to release it on (you guessed it) a Monday Morning. On his latest trip to London, Boyan recorded his sounds from his surroundings using his phone and ended up using these recordings as a soundscape at the beginning and ending of Monday Morning. Might be good to know that this one is a follow up to Boyan’s previously released “Sunday Evening“, which was presented to you by our friends over at INFINIT. Both joints are available for free download, so don’t hesitate and go snatch them up!