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Henning “Tru Funksta” (Instrumental Version)

Tru Funksta Henning

As we ease into 2016 we slip & slide with a steady Funk glide. In December Henning from Arnhem visited the Red Bull Studios Amsterdam and worked on…

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Werk Space Episode 12: Henning

Henning Werk Space

Funk producer extraordinair Henning is from the city of Arnhem, which is considered the far east of the Netherlands. Earlier this month he dropped by the Red Bull Studios…

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Inkswel “Outerspace Connection”


Former b-boy Inkswel brought us a ton of funky music made in Australia. Not too long ago Jules Habib decided to try his luck in Germany and moved to Berlin.…

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Sivey – Soulection White Label: 017

Sivey White Label 17

A producer we have been speaking highly of is Sivey from the UK. I’ve gone so far as to call him the future of Funk music, but only…

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APSD “Homegrown” feat. Joe Dukie (Moovmnt Premiere)


APSD is the collaboration between Melbourne long time producers Amin Payne and Sean Deans. They both work non stop – as a part of the respected Melbourne music…

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The Xtraordinairs “X​-​Life” (out now)

The Xtraordinairs X-Life

Kansas City ballers Leonard Dstroy and Dominique Sanders have released their debut The Xtraordinairs album titled “X-Life” via the mighty Laruche Records. Two weeks ago we brought you their first single “No Pressure”…

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Random Record Rants: The Forgotten Art of Album Covers

Ohio Players Cover

With the death of Ohio Players frontman Leroy ‘Sugarfoot’ Bonner (69) in 2013, room was left to make the legacy of funk group Ohio Players even more significant to…

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The Xtraordinairs “No Pressure” Ft. Reggie B

The Xtraordinairs X-Life

Some months ago my brotha from Laruche Records put me onto The Xtraordinairs. This funky duo out of Kansas City consists of Leonard Dstroy and Dominique Sanders. Their forthcoming project titled…

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The Foreign Exchange “Tales From The Land Of Milk And Honey”

Tales From The Land Of Milk And Honey

The Foreign Exchange, consisting of Nicolay and Phonte, has always sparked our curiosity. The duo’s extended family of collaborators has changed a little over the past decade, but on…

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Category archive: Funk

Kirkis Cold Crush

Many consider Kirkis to be a mad genius when it comes to music. Some might go as far as to call him a madman. We don’t know him that well, but I guess we’ll stick to musical genius.

Fresh Selects tried to sign Kirkis early 2010, but he had already promised a record to another label. Instead he attempted to remix a track for Mndsgn, which ended up as a completely new track titled “Cold Crush“. To bring it full circle Mndsgn decided to remix Kirkis’ attempt to a remix (ya’ll still following?).

A few years ago we came across this multi-talented Melbourne musician and with his unique brand of lo-fi, maniacal proto-punk, jazz-funk fusion he managed to grab our attention. When Fresh Selects hit us up about premiering “Cold Crush” it was a no brainer!

And so the 7″ single drops January 21st and can be pre-ordered on the Fresh Selects Bandcamp page. A cold crush indeed, served in two very different styles; with the post-it legend himself, Gangster Doodles, immortalizing both artists for either sides of the sleeve, for Fresh Selects’ first ever 7″ release. Good looking out Kenny and we can’t wait for the next vinyl release!

Discover Kirkis on Soundcloud
Discover Fresh Selects on Soundcloud

Tru Funksta Henning

As we ease into 2016 we slip & slide with a steady Funk glide. In December Henning from Arnhem visited the Red Bull Studios Amsterdam and worked on a massive Funk track titled “Tru Funksta“. With some help from guitar player Raphael Devante the two got it crackin’ and stackin’ if you will.

Word is that later this year there might be a vocal version, but for now you guys will have to settle for this instrumental version. No worries it’s free! Great mastering by Statinski Mastering I might add.

Again Lucky Dubz came through with some serious artwork, so make sure you check more of his work by clicking the link at the top. Also huge thank you Joao Costa for being a tru funksta and shooting & editing all episodes! Have a drink (or two) on us.

Henning Werk Space

Funk producer extraordinair Henning is from the city of Arnhem, which is considered the far east of the Netherlands. Earlier this month he dropped by the Red Bull Studios Amsterdam to close out the first year of Werk Space with a bang. Along with guitar player Raphael Devante, he got down & dirty and worked on some nasty ass Funk. Next week the track “Tru Funksta” will be available on the Werk Space Soundcloud page, but until then enjoy a brand new episode shot by Joao Costa.

We’ll be back in 2016 with more Dutch producer talent, so happy holidays and keep it funky!


Former b-boy Inkswel brought us a ton of funky music made in Australia. Not too long ago Jules Habib decided to try his luck in Germany and moved to Berlin.

He’s connected with the Rush Hour crew and is getting ready to release his forthcoming debut album on BBE. The album, titled “Unity 4 Utopia” will be released (in January) on vinyl through Oye Records as well. The track “Outerspace Connection” is the first single to drop and it features none other than Steve Spacek & Harvey Sutherland.

Catch a cosmic vibration and pre-order Inkswel’s album right here!

Sivey White Label 17

A producer we have been speaking highly of is Sivey from the UK. I’ve gone so far as to call him the future of Funk music, but only in private conversations.

The way this Manchester-based producer combines electronic beats with 80’s Funk is stupendous really. Great sounds and one can tell this guy actually knows his classics. It was about time he did a Soulection White Label EP and number 17 is his. A few days ago Sivey also released another banger titled “Waterbed” (Slow Mo) in case you missed it.

Free downloads galore so don’t hesitate to download the torrent file and take a ride on the funky side.


APSD is the collaboration between Melbourne long time producers Amin Payne and Sean Deans. They both work non stop – as a part of the respected Melbourne music scene – on bridging the gap between Boogie, Beats, Disco and Future House sounds.

Their debut, “Digital Dust“, album will be released tomorrow on Hot Shot Records. It features guest collaborations from Cazeaux O.S.L.O., Miles Bonny, Rikki Gooch, Azteka and Joe Dukie (Fat Freddy’s Drop). We are thrilled to officially premiere APSD’s track “Homegrown”, which we’d like to describe as the perfect remedy for the bleak European winter weather we’re having at the moment.

The Xtraordinairs X-Life

Kansas City ballers Leonard Dstroy and Dominique Sanders have released their debut The Xtraordinairs album titled “X-Life” via the mighty Laruche Records.

Two weeks ago we brought you their first single “No Pressure” featuring funk phenomenon Reggie B and it’s about time we did a little follow up. There are quite some soulful cuts on here featuring the likes of Chromadadata, Miles Bonny, Reach and Boombaptist.

One of my favorite tunes to max out to is “Theme to Dream” without a doubt. Thought I’d stream this little slice of heaven for you right before you decide to purchase X-Life on Bandcamp!

Ohio Players Cover

With the death of Ohio Players frontman Leroy ‘Sugarfoot’ Bonner (69) in 2013, room was left to make the legacy of funk group Ohio Players even more significant to Funk music in general. For those who are not yet familiar with the Ohio Players, Bonner co-founded the group back in 1964 with the former members of The Ohio Untouchables and the group skyrocketed the charts with major hits like ‘Love Rollercoaster’, ‘Fire’ and ‘Sweet Sticky Thing’.
ohio players
Album covers, especially in the 70’s, were specifically created to serve as a visual extension of the music. In these triumph years of a changing and revolving social and political climate, records and their album covers often pushed the awareness amongst the listening audience. Music was not the only tool anymore. The visual aspect of powerful album art became equally important in drawing in new listeners and revolutionists.

I first became aware of the Ohio Players and their fascinating album art at a record fair in Rijswijk, about 6 or 7 years ago. I had just gotten into the world of crate-digging and enthusiastically let my amateur fingers glide through thousands of records in the funk/jazz/soul section. This all under the careful
guidance of my dear crate-digging peer Nilez. I always knew our shared love for records would someday venture into a business mainly revolving around music, but that’s another story. As I felt the records slide through my, still rusty, fingers I stumbled upon this 1973 Westbound Records released Ohio Players album named ‘Ecstasy’. What drew my undivided attention that particular moment was the insane unconventional photography art by Joel Brodsky. Central on the album cover graced this dominant, bald African-American dancer and model Pat Evans. Though the chains around neck her suggest submission, it contradictory expresses everything but a submissive model. Empowerment, individuality, controle and the freedom of choice for women of color became important social and political movements in the 70’s. They are the basis of nowadays liberties for women of color. Granted, we aren’t near where we should be on these matters, but as with every revolution, a seed must be planted first in order for it to grow into a tree, deeply rooted in society. No longer the victim in chains, but rather power contained, and released by choice.

Unfortunately in nowadays music industry the social and political aspects are becoming less and less important. Esthetics have taken the front seat, together with commercial goals. No seat belts there, I might add. The front car window being the representation of our society as it presently is.

With the rise of the influence of major labels, came the decline of artistic freedom of artists as well as designers, illustrators and photographers. It is time to tip the scale again in favor of creativity, social and political awareness. They always precede positive change and revolution.

The Xtraordinairs X-Life

Some months ago my brotha from Laruche Records put me onto The Xtraordinairs. This funky duo out of Kansas City consists of Leonard Dstroy and Dominique Sanders.

Their forthcoming project titled “X-Life” hits very close to home, since it’s more than a batch of beats. These fellas have worked long and hard on one of the most surprising and musical albums I have heard this year. Single no. 1 is the track “No Pressure” featuring funk phenomenon Reggie B. I remember one of my first posts about Reggie at the beginning of 2009 and more than six year later hear we are again.

Can’t describe how good the new album from The Xtraordinairs is gonna be, but you’ll find out October 13th.

Tales From The Land Of Milk And Honey

The Foreign Exchange, consisting of Nicolay and Phonte, has always sparked our curiosity. The duo’s extended family of collaborators has changed a little over the past decade, but on the new “Tales From The Land Of Milk And Honey” we hear a lot of Carmen Rodgers Zo! and Tamisha Waden.

A few months back Dutch producer Nicolay released City Lights Vol. 3: Soweto and now he gets ready for The Foreign Exchange’s fifth full-length album. You can hear that Tales From The Land Of Milk And Honey is all about fun and good music. It’s about dancing, smiling and takes you back to an array of many musical memories.

Although the album seems to flow naturally, we at Moovmnt do wonder about the balance between the new and the old on Tales From The Land Of Milk And Honey. At times we miss a little bit of innovative sounds and rhythms, but aren’t we always picky as hell?! Purchase your copy at the FE store or look for their new album on iTunes.