The young and enchanting Alina Baraz now resides in Los Angeles with her other significant musical half Galimatias living on the other side of the world in Denmark.…
What is it about Canada? For some strange reason a lot of the new talents have been coming out of Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver lately. Perhaps it’s simply…
December is always a slow month when it comes to music, but it’s the perfect time to bring together our favorite findings of 2014 and share them with…
Still one of the most mesmerizing producers in the game has to be Galimatias, who has been working alongside Alina Baraz from Cleveland for quite some time now. Given…
By now you must be well aware of the fact that Danish producer Galimatias is one of our favorite producers. Admitted the list is long, but still c’mon son. Together…
Galimatias from Denmark has been one of those producers, who I’ve actually stalked to see what’s up with his upcoming project. He told me quite recently that he…
When Virginia-based rapper GoldLink and Danish producers Galimatias & Joppe linked, “One Step Back”, was the result. GoldLink’s forthcoming project “The God Complex” is due this spring, but till…